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An International Churches Directory

A Churches Directory is a free directory of International Christian Church websites.

Helping People Find Church, Find Community, Find God.

Cheap Christian Church Web Hosting Form

Sign up for Cheap Christian Church Web Hosting

Thanks for considering joining the excellent service provided by the A Churches Directory. Joining is easy and you won't regret it.

Once you have supplied us with the necessary details, your account & directory listing will be created.

Details Needed

Service Requested:

Church Directory Listing - This is a free service.

Please choose what sort of hosting your require. For details on which option is best for your church view the hosting plans.

Simple 1 Page Website -



Our Domain Sub-Hosting - (the www is not needed)



BYO Domain Hosting - (the www is not needed)


Please tick this box if you don't yet own this domain name.

Church Name: eg. Christ Centered Community Baptist Church

Area Location: (Not initials) eg. Suburb, City/Town, State, Country

Brief Description: [ 20 words or less] eg. Your church's moto - "Living for Jesus by following His words"

Church Email:

Main Pastor:

Physical location of your church: eg. 777 Jesus Way, Heavens Hills, Sate, Country

Other Contact Details: eg. Phone numbers or PO Box. (not currently displayed online)

Your Name:

Your email adress:
(Necessary for submissions)

Your Details: Please provide another way to contact you if the need arises. (not displayed online)

And finally, how did you hear about this service?

Please include any other relevant comments or feedback here.

Enter the characters you see in the image:

The information requested above will be emailed. We will then email a confirmation reply email which will outline the next steps.

Please consider a reciprocal link exchange to this International Christian Churches Directory from your websites!

Preferred reciprocal link exchange code:

<a href="" title="FREE Directory of Church Websites" > Churches Websites Directory </a>

And the link will display like this: International Christian Churches Directory

[Non-churches will be displayed on the International Church Friends page. Submit URL.]

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